8 Root Crops You Never Knew Existed (and some you maybe knew already)
Growing your own food has never been this interesting. Most of us enjoy root crops of two kinds; the starchy mostly-carb kind, such as Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes, and secondly the ‘vegetable’ kind such as carrots, parsnips, turnips and swede. Our diets have changed dramatically over the past few centuries Continue Reading
Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) (aka Plant Hormones, or Phytohormones)- What They Are, How They Work, and How To Use Them
They’re natural… sort of. It is a true miracle of nature that the individual cells of any multicellular organism each have identical DNA to each other, but find a way to create a variety of very different cells in just the right places. Of course, this doesn’t happen by sheer Continue Reading