Plant Profile: Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia – Stunning xeric subshrub

  Sphaeralcea species occasionally pop up in seed and plant offerings of various nurseries and seed-merchants. Usually the species on offer is the striking Sphaeralcea coccinea – a pretty plant for a sheltered rockery, with a low-growing habit. Of that species perhaps 50% of the seedlings will thrive in colder, Continue Reading

Wolfsbane – A plant that bites back. A cautionary tale.

The plant genus Aconitum is known by a number of common names, including ‘Wolfsbane’ and ‘Monkshood’. As is often the case with common names, they derive from superstitious or actual significance. I believe the name ‘Wolfsbane’ comes from it’s use as a poison against wolves, which for a long time Continue Reading